Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Pope my Foot!!

What is going on here?! Why is this pope character so special? Isn't he just a human? He's not the Messiah right?

People do realize this I hope.

I used to be Catholic. It was such nonsense. I just didn't know better. The minute I started to read the Bible for myself I realized that I was caught up in something that didn't make any sense. From Sunday worship to confessions it was just a mess. Never again. Thank God for my deliverance!

I urge folks to please do the same. Any faith that tells you to pray to some saint (that doesn't exist) in order to have your prayer heard by God is a bald headed lie. If it was like that Jesus wouldn't have come down here and hung out with us in such a personal way. He'd a sent some top ranking angel or something. He wouldn't have let regular people talk to him. If confession was to be then folks woulda been going to the disciples and the disciples would then report it to Jesus.

This pope dude is rubbing me the wrong way. He meeting with the President! Is the president of Seventh Day Adventists gonna have a chindig with the Pres too? No! Separation of church and state people!

I am sure that God has no parts of this whole Catholic process. It's too much. Just way too much. You mean to tell me that in order to have a powow with God I have to sit in some mini-closet with a stranger and tell him what I'ma tell God?! What?! The God I serve is for ALL. We are all the same in His eyes. We all wretched sinners. Even the pontif. He aint special. We all pray and He hears us all.

I'm just irked by this papal visit. People been camped out in DC waitin for this 'man'. I promise you if Jesus took a trip down here people would try and stone Him, deny that He's the Messiah..just like His first trip. But let the pontif swing by and all of DC gotta shut down.

UGH. Pope my Foot!!!

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