Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Nicole, naturally.

Interesting night. Very interesting.

I met with my Pastor; my final pre-baptism discussion. I had the opportunity to ask him any pressing questions and he told me some things he thought might help me in the future.

I'm not wearing any makeup or jewelry this Sabbath. Doesn't sound like a big deal to yall but it is at least significant to me. I don't wear make up that much during the week but I ALWAYS do for church; cause I'm all dressed up. I wear basic jewelry during the week but I'll pull out the major ones for church. But I won't this Sabbath. I'm going BARE.

It's a good idea that I present myself to God as just me, Nicole, naturally. I think it will humble me. I'll feel vulnerable. I like for people to say I'm pretty and it's possible that I won't feel pretty in church without my 'stuff' on.

It's a great exercise. I'll learn if I am a slave to vanity. If I'm superficial. If I need to work on another aspect of me.....

I'm beautiful regardless but I suppose I need to not let makeup and jewelry become a part of what makes me beautiful.


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