Friday, April 4, 2008

The Drum Major Instinct

I was late to work this usual. I havent been getting alot of sleep. I was up till almost 2am (had to get my hair did). So yes I couldnt get up at 7am for work.....

I listened to a few of Dr. King's speeches on my way to work. Please Please Please people....listen to The Drum Major Instict. He preached a word to me on my way to work that had me in tears. Not even the two tear drops but the real ones with the shoulder jerks and everything. I needed to hear that at that very specific time on this specific day.

After I let it all out I realized that Dr. King was just a mere man. A regular person like you and me. He held the Lord's hand though. His mind was wide. He focused on the things of this world that really do matter. In a blog last month I wrote about what I wanna do with my life; how I cannot allow the media of the West to numb me to the point where I can eat my dinner peacefully while young girls are raped in Africa. Just shouldn't be like that. Speaks volumes of our characters.

I want to mean something special and change something for someone's life. The world at large is groaning and no one is listening.

Please listen to that sermon.

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