Wednesday, April 16, 2008

My Reflection

My reflection has looked very different to me over the years. I dare venture to say that I had somewhat of a distorted body image when I was a teenager and in my early twenties. lol. I'm no longer in my early twenties. lol

This is what I saw when I looked in the mirror:

1. I was always fat. Even though I weighed maybe 115lbs I swore I had a gut and I had fat thighs. No one could tell me different. I look at pics now and my collar bone was protruding!

2. I had glasses and wore braces so I assumed I looked like a robot.

3. My legs looked like drumsticks. Lol. I barely had legs when I look at my pictures. I had some nerve. Both of em coulda fit in one now.

4. My shoulders were pointy. I NEVER liked to wear strapless things cause I thought I had man shoulders. Not so. I was just skinny.

5. My eyes. That is a whole other blog. I still have issues. My sister made fun of me one day and said you could hear my eyes blink. My entire family has forever made fun of my large eyes. I tried to squint in pictures so they'd look normal sized. Everything. I like em now. Screw everyone else and their small ones.

6. I have bony feet. But who the hell cares, all shoes fit me perfectly.

7. I always wanted a butt like a video girl. I have an average one. If I'm heavier I suppose there is a lil junk in my trunk but I'm aight with my normal rump. Who needs all that attention anyways. I got a brain to compensate.

8. I have a chicken pock on my face. I dont remember that it's there but people ask me what it's from all the time. I like it though. I didn't like it before.

9. My bottom lip is juicier than the top one. I tried to suck it in so they'd look even but no such luck. I dont care now though.

10. And, I've always felt short. I'm average height though so the problem lies with the lurch-girls all around me.

All these things I saw wrong with me and they were all so stupid. I would stay in the house and not go places cause of my pointy shoulders. lol. I was just thinking about it this morning on my way to work. I'm feeling sorta cute today. Yummy. Damn near gorgeous. And it doesn't matter if nobody else thinks it. That's how I feel so it's true regardless. Make-up less and all.

I was laughing at how silly I used to be. I'm heavy for the time being but I still like me. I wish young girls didn't struggle with silly hang ups like I did. I missed out on some fun times.

1 comment:

Maryk6 said...

well my eyes are small unfortunate for me. When I smile in pics, my high cheek bones make me look asian or high, either one. My feet too are boney but better than having fat fee or sausage toes. I loved my legs back in the day now i can't stand my flabby thighs! My long hair is becoming extinct. Will miracle grow help? Or maybe Rogaine for women? I've always been short according to society and well i definitely can't change that. God made me the way i am and I am just thankful to him for life. A beautiful person to me is someone who is beautiful inside not just out.