Thursday, September 25, 2008

Mob mentality

I remember learning about the mob mentality in social studies I think back in middle school. The term mob mentality is interchangeable with 'herd behavior' or 'group mind'. lol. That sounds funny to me.

Please see below,
The bandwagon effect, also known as social proof or "cromo effect" and closely related to opportunism, is the observation that people often do and believe things because many other people do and believe the same things. The effect is often pejoratively called herding instinct, particularly when applied to adolescents. People tend to follow the crowd without examining the merits of a particular thing. The bandwagon effect is the reason for the bandwagon fallacy's success.

The bandwagon effect is well-documented in behavioral psychology and has many applications. The general rule is that conduct or beliefs spread among people, as fads clearly do, with "the probability of any individual adopting it increasing with the proportion who have already done so".[1] As more people come to believe in something, others also "hop on the bandwagon" regardless of the underlying evidence.

My sister and I had a discussion about this relating to politics. I'm a Barack supporter but I agree with Ralph Nader on the whole Wall Street bailout. Everyone is so up in arms and panicking to do 'something' but no one seems to be taking a slightly slower, more intellectual approach to the issue. This feels like an economic 911; where King Bush II excites/frightens the country in order to gain support for improper legislation. Is no one else seeing this?!

I see this bandwagon behavior permeating even in adult social circles. Sad but true. The sad part is that, just as the definition above states, it is usually reserved for adolescents. That is why I often feel pulled back to HS days when the 'herd' tries involve me in self degrading mentality. Discernment should accompany age. Right?

It can even be applied to religious faith. Most people believe what they believe simply because everyone around them does as well. Perhaps it was passed through their family tradition. It's rare that people examine their spiritual beliefs and check to make sure there is actual truth in them. I was once guilty of this.

But there is freedom in breaking from the 'pack'. The greatest thinkers are usually the separatists; not easily lead by the interests of the majority. These individuals often examine the validity in assertions before releasing their support. This is a goal to reach for. INTELLECTUAL EXCELLENCE.

I am well on my way. Sometimes I get sucked in by the mob though. The temptation is often great. But I find my way the more quiet side of independent thought.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Happiness is the plan

I told my buddy this afternoon that I miss my life. I miss how peaceful it used to be and how content I was. Simplicity is priceless. I got stressed out and went back to my old coping mechanisms and somehow I QUICKLY find myself at the bottom of a slippery slope.

I have somewhat of a mentor that told me 'Nicole, if you arent losing friends and making new ones then you arent changing.' I didnt like that when I heard it. I set out to ignore it and prove him wrong. No way would any of my friendships end. But it has happened and will continue to happen.

I'm on somewhat of a wacky journey. I made some spiritual decisions that I knew wouldnt be easy. The greatest things never come easily. I've been trying to break some horrible habits and patterns and I can be honest with myself and say that I've faultered quite a bit. But that's ok. I'm only human. It's just a part of my incredible journey; the lessons were well worth the detour.

My ultimate goal has always been happiness. Happiness for everyone. Even the people I dont like! We all only got this one life to live and what is the sense in being all angry and spiteful and upset. In the grand scheme of the universe, what we often consider 'important' rarely even deserves conversation.

I'll keep changing cause I'm enjoying the metamorphasis. Not many will understand but I know it is necessary. The aspirations I have for my lfe require constantly pushing for more and more. The blessings are in the disappointments.

The simpler my life, the happier.

Gotta remember..............happiness is the plan.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Foot massage please

I like foot massages. I think people really underestimate a good massage. My body has been aching and cracking for almost two weeks now. This happens when I am under stress. Work is stressing me; life is stressing me; I am stressing me!

This aint right and I know it. I'm taking baby steps to rid myself of alot of stressors but in the meantime I need a massage.

(This is not a solicitation ad)

I'm at work and my head hurts so I'm taking a blogging break and all I can think to say is how badly I'd like a foot massage and a lavender bath.

A cup of ginger tea with honey would set it off.

Company and companionship are so priceless. I want a human version of the completeness a dog often brings to a bachelor. Just a chill partner that'll crack my toes and watch Lifetime with me.

(Once again, this is not a solicitation ad)

But that's all.

Perfect example of my randomness.

.....I need my back cracked too.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Am I gone forever?

I haven't written anything in awhile. Alot has happened in the last few weeks.

To keep it short, I self-destructed. Instead of retracing steps I crumbled under some immense stress and just lost my way. Now I'm exhausted and farther away from happiness than I was before.

I'm having a chit chat online with my buddy and I realized that we sound like 40yr old divorced women! Tired. Drained. Dejected. Unenthusiastic. Done!

I remember when I was a 'good' girl. 'Good' really means naive. I had the purest of hopes and dreams. Life can take a black permanent marker over your plans. I can't even remember what they were!

I just wish I could find that girl again. She existed before the loser boyfriends, the disloyal friends, debt, torn family, sex.....

So much has happened since I was 17. If I could do it all again I might just live in a cave somewhere and chill. Anything to never have jaded myself so heavily.

Things like love, decent men and fairytales seem like a joke. That shouldn't be. The world isn't all bad but it seems like I've only come across the bad; over and over and over again.

Am I gone forever? Is the real me lost forever. I pray not. That would be such a shame. I used to be the sweetest thing on two legs. Now I'm far more aggressive than I want to be but survival forces those instincts to develop.

I'll still keep a look out for fairytales and decent men(lol, that is still a funny prospect).

Can't be hopeless. I can't be lost forever.