Thursday, April 17, 2008

Organ loofah

I'm focusing on my health. I know that cancer is all airborn these days and in the water supply but I still wanna do my best to live a healthy lifestyle. When I catch cancer I'll just deal with it.

I've lost about 15lbs since September and I would like to lose another 25. I wanted it to come off slowly this time because I'm keeping it off forever. One thing I've never done is pay close attention to my organs. The fat isn't always the killer. Toxins are even worse. So below is my plan for detoxification and long lasting health.

1. Colonic : Eeeek! lol. Yes I'm gettin a flush out. I'm sorry but it's necessary. Think about it.....all that rotten such and such actually seeps back into your blood stream. The same blood stream that baths your other organs and supplies nutrients to your brain. Uh huh. I am not tryna have toxic blood. And, this almost takes care of the colon cancer risk. Gross but necessary.

2. Liver flush: The liver is integral in metabolism. Yo yo dieting has all but ruined my metabolism. When I work out it seems to get back to normal but let me miss a few workouts and I'm done for. I'll gain 20lbs off a seedless grape. My liver needs a flush.

3. Kidney flush: That Seinfeld episode when Kramer passed the kidney stones has always scared me. What the crap! Those big stones can't fit! I really really don't want to develop any. I haven't found a kidney flush program yet. Suggestions?

4. I've done holistic detoxes before. They make you feel like you can pick up a building. I need to do a blood cleaner after all these organ ones are done. Just a final knock-out to the toxins. I'm thinking to do an apple cider vinegar type of blood cleaner.

Think I'm doing alot? Yes I am. I want all this done before my 26th birthday. I wanna know what it feels like to be at my physical best. Must be incredible. The sluggish, tired feeling is not normal. I'll be capping off this process on my birthday with a day at the spa and big chop to usher in napturalness.

I wanna be one of those people that wakes up at the crack of dawn. I've done it once and it's a whole different feeling to watch the sun come up. Yes that will be me, after I take a loofah to my organs.


Metro Man said...

Congrats on the weight loss. I know how hard it is to stay focused...and how easy it is to stray from a routine. Keep it going! Im trying to stay focused myself. Will be hitting the gym today after work!

Maryk6 said...

Hmm, you got me wanting to do the same! Where do I sign up?

NicHova said...