Monday, April 14, 2008

Black men reading

Ok I'm doubling up on the blog today. I've missed several days because I've been so sick. I had the turbo flu extraordinaire. Right now I think I've got bronchitis. I'm pushing through without meds but if my lungs are infected I'll have to visit the doctor. I'm not breathing well in my sleep.

The previous anti mood has passed so......

I just wanted to say what I think is so sexy to me.... A man that reads a damn book! That is the biggest turn on. And please don't let it be a BLACK man reading a book. mmmm. help me.

Why dont men like to read in general? If Stacy Dash's butt is not on the cover they not interested. If anybody needs to read about history it's them. The black man has lost his place in history. None of em know what makes them special above all the rest. Black men are like mini-Gods here on earth and they don't even know it. If they knew maybe they'd carry themselves with a little more pride? Maybe they'd respect their women (their queens).

I see so much potential in black men but they look so broken down and worthless half the time. Always slouching, clothes just thrown on, poor hygiene....

Everyone knows I am a fan of a man with hair. I don't believe in the conforming to Western ideals of professionalism. Who the heck made the rule that a man with hair can't get no job?! Cornrows are somewhat juvenile but some dreads or neat twists are wassup. Neat. I think it does something for the bone structure.

Ever just look at a black man? Really LOOK. Even the ugliest of the bunch has something that screams superiority about him. Nothing makes me feel more like a woman than being in the presence of a secure black man. It's INCREDIBLE. It's humbling. Makes me relax. Almost WANT to submit to that. Yes, submit. I ain't scared of it.

I feel for the black man sometimes. They just a bunch of lost kings in search of their territory. But reading and education in general are the first step to reclaiming.

Read men, READ!!

1 comment:

LudaKhris said...

I actually like to read....but on the computer. The site of a book disgusts me. Maybe its the stigma I have from being forced to read so much in school....who knows.

However I do agree, men NEED education.