Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Whew!! What a weekend. I attended a million things and at the end of it I got sick. And not just cough cough sneeze sick. I almost exploded one of my lungs. The raindrops felt like bullets against my skin. I spent three days in my bed, lost a few pounds, but I'm back in business today. Operating at about 77%.

My room was like a dungeon. I tried to switch it up a lil and cover up in a light colored sheet instead of my brown comforter. I thought maybe I could steam the virus out of me by sitting in a hot shower for an hour. No such luck. My sis irritated me so while she was at work I hacked it up on her bed and watched Maury. lol.

Health is so priceless. I was miserable. I can't remember being so sick. I'm sure this was the worst flu I've ever had. Today at work an email was sent out to inform us that our coworker's brother was found dead. Unbelievable. What the heck! I swear I need to take better care of myself. I might only be in my 20s but before I know it I'll be 30. I don't want to die of a heart attack when I'm 39 because of all the fried chicken I ate when I was 27. That won't be cool.

Steve Harvey made a point Monday morning. People keep striving for all these high paying jobs and assets yet neglect their health. Why? We can spend years tearing down our bodies with stress to achieve these goals and not live long enough to enjoy it.

I had an anxiety attack in church this past Sabbath. I read about it to make sure that's actually what happened to me. All week prior I ran myself completely ragged. COMPLETELY. To the point where I didn't notice it anymore. I barely slept. I didn't even pray. I made it to church and the atmosphere forced me to calm down. After the children's story I found it difficult to get a deep breath. My heart was beating out of my chest, I got really hot suddenly, and I felt a crazy urge to start crying. I got up and went for a walk but one of the Elders saw the worry in face and sat with me. Crazy right? I felt I'd lost control of my faculties. That is the power stress can have over our physical beings. Never again will I let the worries of the world take me over.



NicHova said...

Jeida: HMPH
i gonna FART on ya pillow for that one


LudaKhris said...

Yeah I feel you. I do think its crazy the amount of stress we inflict upon ourselves. I feel like one of the major reasons is MONEY! Its really got its hold on this whole country. Niggas will work 3 jobs just so they can drive what they want and go to the club and show off. Its crazy and I'm sure we've all done it at one point. But at least somebody's pointing out the problem.