Thursday, April 3, 2008


Ok so I sorta regret yesterday's blog. I meant every word but I reread it and I come across threatening.
Ah well....

I really forgot what I was gonna write about so this will comprise my random thoughts:

I've developed an equation this morning for a reasonable number of sexual partners for the average unmarried woman before she is considered a slut.

For UMW = Slut, where UMW = unmarried woman

if any of the following are satisfied,

P > 1.5 [2008 - (birth year + 18) ] + ( years living in on campus college housing /2) + 0.5 ( number of relationships lasting over 2yrs), where P = # of sexual intercourse partners

S > 0, where S = # of STDs contracted outside of a presumptive monogamous relationship


R > 0, where R = # of random sexual partner.

This equation is quite liberal. So unfortunately if you do not satisfy the equations you are or for a period of time in your life you were definitely a slut. LOL.

This is the result of mental exhaustion. Isn't is scary that math is the result?

If more explanation is needed for any parts of my equation please post a comment.


NicHova said...

Ugh. Ok what prompted inspired this blog was an event from last night. I saw girls doing things that just seemed quite sluttish. A lady (and I call her that only because she has the necessary body parts) got on the bar directy in front of where I was sitting and proceeded to just shake her tail feather. And not just shake but like somehow it ended up MAYBE two inches from my face.
I exited the establishment 2min later.
I hadn't gone out in so long I forgot what girls act like.

Bradley said...

Cuz, as an engineer i think u need a limit on that equation...You said P=this but what at the limits on P...cause by that logic no matter what numerical number is achieved the sexually active non-NMW will always come out as a SLUT. Now thats just dread. You will destroy self esteems all over the country with out that lil disclaimer...:)

So to solve this u need to state that if P>x where x is a integer greater than say 10 then NMW=SLUT!!! So to put in that limit i think u need to integrate S variable. Well to me that would be the most crucial.

So come up with a range for that integrated variable. Till then....always a pleasure to be of service

Bradley said...

Cuz, as an engineer i think u need a limit on that equation...You said P=this but what at the limits on P...cause by that logic no matter what numerical number is achieved the sexually active non-NMW will always come out as a SLUT. Now thats just dread. You will destroy self esteems all over the country with out that lil disclaimer...:)

So to solve this u need to state that if P>x where x is a integer greater than say 10 then NMW=SLUT!!! So to put in that limit i think u need to integrate S variable. Well to me that would be the most crucial.

So come up with a range for that integrated variable. Till then....always a pleasure to be of service

ok just re-read that blog and so where i was wrong...wah can i say as an engineer i have not appreciation for words and maybe cant read..which is typical of us Mathematically inclined

You did state what P is...i tried your equation on the avg woman and sad to say she comes out a SLUT as

But i have to say that was really creative...maybe u should have been an engineer.

NicHova said...

Ok everyone...whatever my cuz has said above also applies.


I can't rethink this equation....but I see what you are saying.

I was upset at loose women when I wrote this.