Thursday, March 6, 2008

Women shave your legs!

So I've calmed down significantly since yesterday.

So I had an interesting convo with my sis yesteray. The problem is two-fold:
1. My sister 'went natural' several months ago. (No problem there cause it looks cute on her and I'm in my 'naptural transition' right now as well) But for some reason when I see girls going from perms to natural they tend to loose their 'polish'. Like suddenly they don't get their eye brows done. Shaving is optional. Toe nails are jagged. Face is lookin all dry. Why?! I'm in going through my transition and I don't see this EVER happening to me. If fact I am more on top of things BECASUE of the napturalness. When you succumb to your natural curl it is imperative that you carry it well.....with confidence. Not like some bushwoman. I am not sure what the correlation is between having natural hair and not shaving your arm pits. My sis has not done these things btw

2. Second, religion. I grew up in church but only about 8 months ago I found God. I am actually building a real relationship with him now. The problem I am having is this crap about modesty and what's appropriate for women. Many of the women at my church are complaining that their husbands don't pay em any attention. They are lonely. The love is fading. bla bla bla. Hey! Stop walking around here with ashy ankles! is my response. Just because you are a Christian woman DOES NOT mean you can't play up your physical 'blessings'. I don't like men gawking at my body so I cover up quite a bit but the parts that you can see certainly arent ashy or scaley. I wear a lil face powder and bronzer; lipstick or gloss. Whats so wrong with that?! These women come in there just anyhow. Men are visual creatures. Yes your husband should love you for you but goodness why not look good for him too! If I was married to these women I wouldn't touch em with a pole.
Alot of women feel they can just have a few kids and suddenly that's an excuse to be all huge. HORRIBLE. Go to the gym! Stop eating fried bakes and drop the weight. They have kids my age yet they say the fat is cause of the babies. I know I wouldn't like it if my husband gained like 100lbs over the years and stopped lotioning himself.
My sister feels that I am being ignorant because I said Hilary didn't do her job and take care of Bill's needs. Ummm this whole feminist movement has warped women's minds. We aren't men. Why do we even want to be? We aren't made to do any of what they do and vice versa. We are made to nurture and support and love. Men are made to provide and protect. When either steps outa their role the family suffers. Kids aren't being tended to.... I didn't say it to mean that women don't have needs. We certainly do. But goodness the man is the PRESIDENT. He needs a massage every once in a while. Chill on them treaties for a sec and give the man some hot milk tea and a rub down.
My sister stated that it's supposed to be all about the person's character. Puuuleeeezzz. If we chose our mates simply on character my kid could potentially look like a possum. Or have a diamond shaped head. I'm sorry but I am not birthing a shrek baby. That's selfish. This kid has to live out in society. I ofcourse won't chose solely based on looks but I'm NOT gonna set my child up for failure. Sorry if that sounds shallow, ignorant, whatever....I don't care. I appreciate the choice my mom made in chosing my father. It has benefited me greatly :).
This blog has seriously wavered on topics but yall will be aight.
I'm gonna suggest to my sis that she wear the full Muslim garb and find her mate that way since character is all that matters.
my REAL religious 'issues' to follow tomorrow.....


Unknown said...

1. Woooooaaaaaah not shavin' your legs... this is not acceptable... please please keep the shavin'... some people can go natural in the hair but i don't find alot of them who can KEEP it up. If your not going to keep it 100% daily then you need to go perm. but I do agree keep the rest of your body together, eye brows, face, nails and teeth. Oh the arm pits are a must... no option.
2. Oh yes we are visual creatures! Good point! Help ya fellow ladies out! we may still love you but we still like our eye candy and if your no longer providing it we will find someone else who is... although our hearts are still with you. but im sure that's not enough, you want our attention.

T said...

ummmm i'm gonna go with...
it all depends on the person as to what they are attracted to...i for one and attracted to personalities and the way you treat me. so if i'm with someone and they begin to treat me badly then i'm gonna clearly start to dislike them thus not wanting to be with them. looks play a certain part in my idea of mate selection as well but if ur personality is not one that i'm attracted to then i wont wanna just be with you for your looks. sure a fling wit a "dime" is kool but if they lack personality f them and keep it movin. Basically both personality/character and looks play a role but in mate selection in my case, looks are definitely secondary to personality.
having said that, there is no amount of character in the WORLD that will make me overlook ashy elbows or ankles, scaly feet, unkempt toenails(i threw up in my mouth a bit with all this foot talk). I mean those things are unbecoming traits on anyone including someone with permed hair. Furthermore, the above mentioned things are all preventable and i mean really, a bit of lotion will go a long way. Guys arent off the hook either noone wants to be wit someone ashy it's not conducive to cuddling.

NicHova said...

Once again I disagree with you Terrell. You would NOT talk to some walrus lookin somebody just cause they had a nice personality. I've NEVER seen you with anybody ugly. Unless we are phone dating or something I think it is IMPOSSIBLE to ignore how someone looks. We all have our basic standard of looks we like in who we date. I dont think it's something we do consciously. Like i know i prefer a man with hair but I'll be aight if he doesnt have that if he's a nice guy. But i dont care if you won the nobel peace prize last year, if your head is shaped like a diamond we simply won't work out.

T said...

ummmm i can name a couple people whom i've been wit that u dont think are attractive!

Cogent chick said...

Ok... so on both point I agree with ya. Not sure bout this bro 'T' whats he talkin bout 'personality', I need to visit where he comes from. Men don't get to the personality part to wayyyyy later in the game. But then again, maybe I'm a cynic.

By the way ...'fried bakes'... which part of the W.I. you're from

NicHova said...

btw...My mother is from Tobago and my father is from St. Lucia. 100% Caribbean blood in my veins :)
Yes I am proud.