Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Ignorant mood

Ok so I'm about to show my ignorant side.
I am boycotting Chipotle and all other Mexican inspired food chains. Yes I know they don't own it but I am just upset.
Sometimes I forgot how dumb this country really is. Maryland tends to be filled with smart educated folk like myself. We voted for Al Gore, John Kerry and now Barak Obama with landside percentages. As you creep towards the US interior the idiocy becomes rampant. It's to be expected though. Far less educated people live in the interior states.
I'm not saying that blue collar workers and Latinos are dumb but let's be honest...there is something to be said for having higher education. It promotes deep critical thinking. I am not so sure the majority of these two groups are thinking deeply. Latinos historically vote for Republicans because they are Catholic. I don't get it. I'm Seventh Day Adventist. I love Jesus too. Yet I don't see a correlation.
Ohio REALLY pissed me off last night. How and WHY would you vote for that broad? She is so phony with that plastered on smile. I cannot stand this woman. She takes credit for everything her husband did EXCEPT NAFTA. But, they aint go to school so what can I expect. She stay with her nasty tactics and it paid off yesterday. I hope they never get their jobs back.
Texas (I need to take a few deep breaths before I continue)............................................................I'm ready for Mexicans to be deported. Time is up! They up in here just making babies as soon as they hit puberty and now they having all sorts of pull....picking Presidents! I've had enough of them and their food. Hilary Clinton would be home right now dealing with her hot flashes if it weren't for them. Like my grandfather would say "dem daaaamn Spanish!!!"
I love being a woman. I think it's the coolest thing. But we don't need to be President. Let's be honest. We are too emotional. I wanted to vomit when she was on tv crying. How can the President of a nation be crying on tv?! We need the rest of the world to respect us.....not laugh at us.
And she has already proven that she can't do her job. When she was first lady she didn't do her job. She was supposed to be supporting her husband...not running around like it was a co-Presidency. If she had given Bill what he needed at the end of the day he wouldn't have been canoodling with Monica. That was a critical role she should have been playing but she slacked and look what happened. I believe that Michelle will take care of her husband's needs so that he won't have to get his release elsewhere. Being a President is STRESSFUL.
I feel there should be some rules on who can vote. You must have a certain IQ....not a degree, just a decent IQ. Prove that you can do some deductive reasoning and critical thinking. These must be pre-requisites to voting rights. Cause as this country gets dumber and dumber the elections will be less meaningful and this country will continue to go to hell.
I'm sure I have a few Mexican and blue collar friends. I do apologize for any racist undertones. I'm not a racist at all. I look at the facts and regurgitate and add my own passion.
If Hilary Clinton doesn't go away soon I think I will move to St. Lucia sooner than planned.
Well never mind, Jesus is coming soon so it doesn't even matter........


LudaKhris said...

Wow...thats all I have to say.

Unknown said...

+1... ,wow
although I agree with some of your comments I must say that the system should work itself out. Especially since as you call "Mexicans" tend to populate in certain areas, although while many others in eastern states think along the lines of whats better for them and not necessarily religion

NicHova said...

they keep populating in areas that have huge delegate counts. i dont care if they populate in rhode island or idaho or somewhere. why it gotta be texas and florida where it actually matters?

T said...

LOL...this is insane...of course they will be in Texas...and those states that are closest to the border SMARTY!
As far as boycotting's texmex not mexican! did you also believe that taco bell was mexican with their chalupas and such?
Get off Hilary's nuts she gotta get in where she fit in she's a politician I'm surprised she aint bussin' the "Mexicans" to the poles. She's not the president yet and despite the fact that she has lived in the white house she is unfamiliar with the stresses that it is to be the ACTUAL president...she can cry if she wants, she just needs make sure she gets it out now. Men and Women cheat for different reasons do you honestly think that the guys u have been wit who cheated, if any, did so because u werent givin them what they needed or were they just greedy or tempted by some low budget whore who sucks a good one and who has the unfortunate trait of being a packrat?(at least it's unfortunate for bill) If i'm not mistaken both hilary and bill are very smart/educated didnt they go to oxford or yale and have damn near perfect scores on their SATs or somethin...not that any of those things indicate intelligence but i do feel as tho it proves that she at least has a reasonable IQ.
Now having said all that I am in NO way interested in politics nor am i pro Hilary. I actually despise the entire thing and if it werent for the struggle that was made to allow us to vote I would just as soon toss this whole business to the side. I just dont like the whole lets sling shit at the other candidate. I'll be voting for Mr. Obama just because he seems to make good sense when he speaks, he seems to understand the issues, he's against the war, he does drugs so perhaps he'll legalize it finally, he's a plain guy, and he may or may not be a kappa.(clearly some of those reasons were tossed in there just to be silly)
And I'm not a very religious person but can u please allow jesus to come at his liesure...geez.

NicHova said...

Ok Terrell so your comment very narrowly met my requirements for posting. lol.
Hilary needs to grow some nuts first and stop being a girl. Crying is unacceptable when you want my vote. So at 3am when she gets a call that someone just blew up Little Rock she gonna start to boo hoo?
Next, I dont know why guys cheat. I've never caught none of my exes cheating but anything is possible. But as far as my future husband(whoever he may be)if he does decides to cheat I refuse to allow his reason to be because I did not satisfy. If he cheats it's cause he's a jerk, no fault of mine. Hilary cannot make that argument cause she wasn't there. (There will be a blog entry to support this theory another day).
And OFCOURSE she and Bill are educated. Thats why they too supported John Kerry and Al Gore. ALL politicians are. I was referring to the voters they as politicians try to sway. So let me clarify my statement; for those NOT currently running for political office, you need to meet a specific IQ requirement before you try to weigh in on who should run this country.
Sorry Jesus waits on no one.....

T said...

lol...what are these requirements for posting so as not push the envelope, well actually so that i can see what i can get away with.
I cant determine exactly when u became the secret service or the NSA but i have NO idea how u can know when and how long she spent in the bedroom wit that man, but I am very interested and will await the supporting post.
Jesus also rushes for noone. I'm pretty sure he just does what he wants.(not in a "run amuck" fashion but in a more calculated fashion)

NicHova said...

LOL I cannot share my requirements. I'll let you know when you've crossed the boundary.
But you can certainly tell when someone is gettin some and when they aren't (if they aren't into other relaxing types of activities like me :) that
Hilary looks like a big ole' stick in the mud. Bill been lookin grumpy too. He's aging faster. My prediction is that if Hilary loses he'll finally divorce her and marry a black woman like he's always dreamed. Probably with a lil 'island' in her.
Now Obama is quite relaxed all the time. Michelle is handling her business. I knows these things. I'm Nichova....
Ummm this blog was not meant to discuss these things. lol.