Sunday, March 2, 2008

First post

My first post.
It's almost midnight and I'm exhausted. I was in a randomish mood earlier. For some reason this question popped into my mind, "What would I regret if I died tonight?" It was weird. I automatically knew certain things. I thought of love never proclaimed, places I wish I'd visited, time wasted..... That question seemed to burn the 'fog' out of my head. The important things rose to the surface. I'm only 25 but sometimes I feel like I'm wasting my life. Life cannot simply consist of going to school, getting a job, working, then dying. Yes I know we have kids and have some happy times in there but in general that's the plot. It just seems so crazy to me. I can't do it. I love the water. I feel like I'm shriveling up the longer I settle for that as a life. I'd honestly be happy just living a simple life, loving my husband and kids and being near water somehow. That's the simple truth. If I never get to deeply love a man, or be a mommy or live a peaceful life somewhere I'd regret it. That right there would be a full life in my eyes. No money or fancy car or anything can fill that void. I believe that a simple existence is in harmony with God. How can I hear His voice if I live in the midst of noise? I found God initially through the romance of His creations. I got lost in it and found God. I don't want to lose Him or miss the experiences He's laid out for my life. I just want water.......


T said...

Ummmm is it me or is this just a bit morbid


Jelli said...

for some reason... i feel what you're saying. i feel like... water is synonymous with peace? if that makes any sense

LudaKhris said...

I'm mad that despite the fact that I was the first to see this blog...I was the last to comment.

Save the best for last ;-)