Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Solution

My co-worker buddy pointed something out to me after reading 'Rape and Divorce'. Probably over 80% of people will be raped or divorced, according to my standards, before they are married! That is such a horrible pseudo-statistic. But, could that be the reason why more than half of marriages end in divorce? Could that also be why 75% of black mothers have never been married?....which is also linked to the rate of black men currently in prison raised fatherless. I believe all of these things are related somehow. Is there a solution? I think there's women.

1. If women stopped having random/casual sex there wouldn't be fatherless children. Men have ALWAYS been on the prowl for 'some'. But back in the day a lady was really a lady. She was a prize. Men had to wooo her. Marry her to get the prize. He had to show not only her but her family that he was going to take care of her and their future children. A man without a job wasn't even a man worth talking to. But now, women are just spreadin' em' to whomever cause he's 'sexy' or 'he loves me' or some nonsense like that. He don't got no job and no plan for his future let alone hers. He'll have sex with her, live with her, even split the bills but he won't marry her. Next thing you know.......a baby is born. Daddy never truly loved Mommy (or he would have committed himself to her) so he has a complex about loving her offspring. Yes it's half his but he can't shake that half that is her. So he walks away. I don't think all these men are cowards...some of them just don't wanna deal with the mothers. Not saying that's right but it's reality.

2. Women we need to get back inside the house and stop the ridiculousness. I got my degrees and I'm sure my intelligence is somewhere along the lines of genius :) but I know what my priorities would be. The FIRST role of a wife or mother is to take care of family and the home. Of course not everyone can do that but lots can. They just think it's beneath them to do it. If at all possible, stay home and raise your young kids. I do agree that when they are older it's time to get back to work. I HATE to see women with grown kids still at home acting like they doin something contributory. Ya not! Get to work! At least part-time, PTA leader, Girl Scouts......SOMETHING. No one can love your kids like you can. That job and extra income isn't a necessity all the time.

Sorry if I sound antiquated but I think women are to blame for a lot of these problems. This whole women's movement nonsense has messed us all up. Suddenly we want to do everything a man can do when we aren't men! Why in the world should a woman be a fireman or a construction worker. Our bodies were not designed for that kind of labor. I swear if women closed their legs more often they could solve many of the world's problems.

I need to do some work ( I do have a job believe it or not )

1 comment:

T said...

LOL...u kno it was acceptable for men to beat their wives at that time as well right?! The women's rights movement is good for something...and I'll be damned if I'm goin to work and you sittin ur ass at home!! kids or not...that's why god made daycare.