Friday, March 14, 2008

I'm going vegan. Really.

I know what I want to talk about but I'm not sure how to start......

I think I need to become a vegan. The crap in food is quite scary. I was listening to Michael Basden(sp) on my way home from work and the discussion was about over developing kids.

Cows and chickens are the WORST. The hormones they are given is stored in the fat and increases in potency over time. By the time someone eats that burger or the chxn wing the growth hormones are 16x more potent!

Implications: 10yr old girls with big ole' breasts. 11yr old boys wit peach fuzz. Once again, this planet is scratchin' my skin!

So everyone knows the Hova is quite focused on health right now. I thought it was cool to have a a nutrigrain bar as a snack between lunch and dinner........MISTAKE. My dietary nemeses was on the list of ingredients, high fructose corn-syrup! I was quite upset. Blueberry was my favorite.

After uncovering this grave injustice I decided to investigate all the packed foods I assumed were healthy. Honestly, after checking out kashi and the rest I realized.....they are trying to kill me! We don't stand a chance! Only way is the vegan way.

But, I enjoy my occasional curry goat, stew chicken, ox tail, and jerk wings. I'm going to continue to eat only these meat items occasionally. After's culture so it doesn't count in my book.

And of course I'll allow the dairy when it is included in any of my grandmother's baked goods. That too is culture; can't turn my back on culture. But outside of these exceptions I'm going to be a vegan.

I'll take small steps getting there. I need to find substitutes for my turkey bacon and egg white breakfast. I already switched to soy milk a few months ago. So I should be straight right?

One last exception: if I'm out somewhere and I'm starving and there is no other option I will then eat the meal closest to vegan I can find. If that happens to be a thin crust Uno's BBQ Chxn Pizza then so be it.

Oh yes and ofcourse ice cream and birthday cakes. Nothing I can do about that either. My hands are tied. It's rude not to partake in a birthday celebration when invited.......


LudaKhris said...

More props to ya. I just can't do it. I need me some corn syrup in my life usually in the form of candy!!!

Don said...

I see how so many people are going vegan. It sounds good, it really does, but I figure that @ my present age (35), whatever damage has been done.

Implications: 10yr old girls with big ole' breasts. 11yr old boys wit peach fuzz.

Makes alot of sense.

Don said...

lol @ "my hands are tied"