Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Who is me? (bad grammer I know)

I realized that after I put up my first post that people don't know me as well as I thought they did. Everyone kept saying they expected my blog to be more 'flashy' and funnier.... It seems I'm a little bit misunderstood but I am to blame. I don't see my friends too often (you guys live at least 30miles away in various directions) so when I do I'm pretty happy.
Granted I do laugh all day and find random things funny but when I'm really by myself, reading, writing, praying, singing, immersed in thought or meditation I'm really quite mellow. Sometimes I'll just sit outside, close my eyes and breathe. Last night I drove around aimlessly with Sade blasting and letting the cool air hit me.
I am going through somewhat of a transition. I realized that this past Valentine's Day was my first where I didn't spend it with a guy since I was 14! I haven't always been in a relationship but I suppose I've always dated. When you are emotionally immature dating can warp you. All the relationships, and the drama that they bring, clogged my mind and my spirit. I feel like I'm sweeping out the debris of all my past experiences. I can finally LIVE. The amazing part is when I look back I did some stupid things! All the time! Lol. I recommend this to everyone. Just step back from 'It' for a period of time and just BREATHE...deeply.

1 comment:

LudaKhris said...

I feel ya, taking a "breather" from things are absolutely necessary otherwise you loose your perspective on life.

I'm glad to see your getting yours back ;-)

However your still fronting, you do be silly (grammer!).