Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Black People :(

Ok so I am no longer in need of inspiration. I try and try and try but you know what?, I'm throwing in the towel when it comes to Black people. Why they gotta be so black? Yes I said it.

Ever notice how at a company they have all the Execs and Admin people and the basement somewhere there is data entry; usually a group of black people secluded from the rest of the employees. Well we have that here at NIH as well but without the basement.

You can easily spot one of these black people. They tend to have on their version of business dress (tight kakhis, colorful loafers from Bakers, fitted oxford shirt with the tails hanging out.....something along these lines). Often a tattoo is visible on their lift breast or right arm of their most recent baby daddy (No offense to tattoos, I got one too but only the inner circle has seen it and certainly not visible at work). Hair could possible be in a high side ponytail. Teeth often get my drift?

I was always pretty nice to them until I realized they got STANK attitudes. So, things have changed. Here are a few examples.
1. One of them is partially blind. I felt bad for her. I took it upon myself to assemble her special fluorescent desk lamp. I even offered to ask the receptionist to take her packages down to her desk for her. Well, instead of patiently waiting, she called up to my office and stated "Where my boxes? You said she was gon' bring em. Why you say that if she not gon' bring em". Yes, this is what she stated out of her IGNANT mouth. So, she can balance the next box on her head while she taps her blind person stick all the way down the stairs, to the right and down the hall to her office.

2. Another one of them has yellow buck teeth. But, I was nice anyways. She sent out an email to vent her frustrations because a vendor I contracted for some work did not provide an ID and she felt I should provide an escort. I told her NO and that protocol states if no ID is provided, they are to be re-directed back upstairs. She insisted on sending poorly written E-mails despite my continued frank responses; using up my valuable time. So I responded with an E-mail full of words I was sure she could not pronounce and let her chew on it while I got some work done.

3. My last example is the worst of them all. But, she is actually a nice person deep down but I regrettably must include her. I have had to endure her mispronunciation of words like guacamole, her version is guacamalay. Paparazzi, she says popsy ropsy. She is 39 and has never bothered to vote. I angrily asked why. Her response "Well do it matter?"

Now I'm a nice person, but, I feel like everyone should know their place. I don't assert myself with Exec staff because that is simply not my station at this time. So why I must deal with the half-intelligent assertions of these black people is beyond me. And I must say that they are black because there are white ones and they simply don't do this. They meekly come in, eat their lil cheese sandwich for lunch, and go home.

And they seem so proud of themselves too. Always talking loudly down their hallway about their baby daddy, or paying rent, or some hood drama. lol. I know this is ignorant but this is how I feel. No sugar coating on my blog. They have like 5 kids each and no husbands! Hang your head in shame I say! Stop with all the pride! Focus on taking a Microsoft Office class or something. Stop embarrassing all those that share your skin tone.

I fully expect ignorant comments but please......refer to the disclaimer above.


NicHova said...

And furthermore. This is why I don't check the 'black' box on applications anymore. I check 'other' and write in Caribbean American. We got out issues too but it's not those.

T said...

everywhere u mentioned black...i think you meant to say ghetto. because i kno black people and i kno a fair amount of ghetto people that exhibit the traits u mentioned in this entry. Ironically the group known as white trash also exhibits some of these traits. A group i have become all too familiar with while working at the diner.

NicHova said...

unfortunately black and ghetto are somewhat synonymous for me. Yes I'm ignorant and all the rest. I already know this, but it's still true.
When I wrote the blog I was upset because instance #2 had JUST occurred so I had a particular problem with the black ones at my job. Yes there are the red necks and everything. I just havent encountered them. I'm sure there will be a blog when I do. Stay tuned....