Friday, March 21, 2008

No Regrets Please

I'm starting this blog with a side note - I am EXHAUSTED. It is not even 9am and I just told my coworker that I cannot wait to go to sleep tonight. lol. This is going to be the longest recorded day in all history - end side note

I'm designating Sunday as 'plan my life day'. As my earlier blog stated, I am going to write out my major life goals, then determine what the steps are for each. I feel better when I know what the plan is.

After speaking with a friend yesterday I realized that I cannot live my life with anymore regrets. I've got a couple and they haunt me as it is. I remember things from elementary school I wish I didn't say or I wish I had the guts to do. In high school too. Just one or two things I wish I did. College, I wouldn't know where to start with them all. I'd have to make subcategories. Those are the decisions that shape your life unfortunately. That's why you're left always wondering, what if.

But no more! No more regrets. There are some things that have been gnawing at the pit of me for quite some time but I keep thinking my way out of doing them. But I KNOW that if I don't try I'll regret it till the day I die. I'll always wonder if I wasted my life trying to do what was safe and convenient. And as Choward put it, "I can't stomach that kind of regret." True True.

So Panera will be the location where I'll be honest with myself. I'll order a Crispani to get those good endorphins aflowin'. Then I am going to list all of the things I want to do in life but don't think are possible. I'm going to make a plan to then do the impossible. I expect it to be difficult because the rewards will be great.

Expect status reports periodically....

1 comment:

LudaKhris said...

Big ups to ya! I know your in the midst of some character building right now ;-)

However, I'm positive you can deal with it. No regrets!