Thursday, March 20, 2008

Waiting to learn

Ok I'll admit. The comments of yesterday evening were not pleasant. I do apologize for the delivery. My feelings were genuine so I can't lie and act like I'm really sorry about it when I'm not. I didn't need to sound so ignorant. Hopefully one day I won't have those reactions to people. I am a work in progress after all.

So life can be soooo humbling sometimes. I went to my kick boxing class last night and afterwards I was on my way to church to set up for a Good Friday program (all are invited :) ) and of course I get pulled over by a cop. Apparently a lapse of insurance during the time my other vehicle was being fixed affected my ability to have a registered vehicle. AND I was overdue for emissions testing. I had no idea. Long story short, my truck was towed and the tags were taken to MVA. :( Good Times! But ya know, I didn't get upset. My sister came and picked me up and I went right on to church to set up for the event.

Sidenote: So at church I was sorta sulkin' in a corner and a 'sister' walked up to me and said 'I must tell you something young lady. My sister came to church with me on Sabbath and she just thinks you are so beautiful.' My response.....'ummm wow (pause), thanks?' :) I got out of the corner started decorating. What a pick me up!

I like this change in me. My sis likes to say that I have 'fits of rage'. I can't lie. If someone has been 'needling' me for a long period of time I just might flip on em something scary. This happened with my aunt most recently. All I remember is cussing her until I lost my voice. Since that occasion I've made a deliberate effort to deal with my anger before it ever gets to that point. It's not decent to behave that way and it's not becoming of a lady. And I of course am a lady.

I know I sound like a bible thumper but going to church and reading the Bible really does calm the spirit. There was something very peaceful designing an alter and decorating a prayer room that caused me to do it in silence. Meditatively. Suddenly my truck being towed didn't seem like such a big deal. I'm blessed. I have the finances to get my car back tomorrow without suffering any real strain. Some people would be devastated by such a situation. I have my health. No one is sick in my family. Life in general has been good to me.

It's important to worship God through ALL situations. Whenever some ridiculousness happens in my life I end up learning something interesting. So, I'll just wait anxiously for the next lesson.....

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