Tuesday, June 3, 2008


:( I'm currently having a conversation with my buddy that saddens me. We're pretty much the same age and we'd both like to have children before we're 30. Doesn't seem likely anymore. This is why..

I think the devil has launched a very sophisticated attack against the family unit. The family used to be the backbone of morality and structure and even love. Nobody has a family anymore.

You need men to have a family. We already out number them. The remaining ones are either in jail, they're gay, or they won't get a job or they won't settle down because women are so desperate.

Decent girls like me will probably never get married; I've almost accepted this fact. There simply aren't that many decent men in the world. The ones that are decent can now be extra-ordinarily picky even though they themselves aren't attractive because they have soooo many to chose from. And I am NOT about to put on a show for some guy.

Everybody's baby is out of wedlock. Men are having babies in different zip codes. Gay people claiming to be a family unit these days. Two moms and two dads. It's getting ridiculous. Even if you got two moms you still got a dad SOMEWHERE. And vice versa. I'm sick of the new age rules. Can we please go back to basics! Mommy and Daddy make love and make a damn baby. They raise the damn baby in THEIR home. PERIOD.

This craziness that we now accept as the norm is infecting us like a nasty virus. The devil is certainly doing a great job of destroying one of God's perfect designs on earth.

I even found myself wanting to have a baby with my buddy if I'm unmarried at 35. This is what it has come to! Contracting friends to father your children! Shame Shame Shame.

I guess I'll either have to adopt or wait till I'm like 40 and take some medication to make me a baby when/if men are done with their drama. Being a good woman feels like some sort of punishment now.

Sorry girls....something else we gotta suffer though.


LudaKhris said...
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NicHova said...

I'm not sure why u'd think I've given up. I'm clearly gonna start dating in July. But I have accepted the fact that the caliber of man I want to end up with may not be out there. There weren't that many to begin with. I've prepared myself for the possibility of not getting married. That's all.

It sure is nice that people can open their homes and whatnot. But two gay people cannot represent a nuclear family. You can do the two mommies and daddies or whatever but realize that is not a functional family just because it may be functioning.

Not sure if two gay parents is worse than no parent. I dont know what orphan life is like but I'm sure it is horrible. I'm sure living in a house with people that care for you is certainly more comfortable but that doesn't mean it's ok. It's just picking between the evils at that point.

Once again for all those confused, I am homophobic and quite proud of that. I tolerate but do not accept. I refuse to compromise on what I believe is a moral issue. If that is a problem then everyone is free to call it gay bashing. Doesn't matter. Just like gays have their opinions I'm allowed to have mine, especially on my own blog.

LudaKhris said...
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NicHova said...

Much appreciated.

Maryk6 said...

I totally agree on the accepting that I may not get married part. its not like I'm planning not to but the fact is that is a big possibility. I know you think its selfish of me to want to have a child w/o a father but again that is not my plan that is my option if I do not get married. I'm just living my life right now as God intends me to and whatever happens is his will.