Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Losing or Gaining?

It's the truth. Making a stance for God means you have to let go of things that you once held dear. I'm not talking about stupid stuff like alcohol and sex and cursing......I mean real things like love and friendship and desires.

I know that when I was created God had this perfect idea for how my life should go. In order to fullfill my purpose he gave me talents and gifts and insights unique to me. But ofcourse, I used my free-will to turn away and do my own thing.

Now I'm trying to get back on His path but while I was doing my own thing I actually acquired some good things. I acquired some cool friends. I picked up some interesting habits. I began to desire certain things. And ofcourse I found love.

None of those things are necessarily bad; they just weren't for me. So now is the painful part. I've got to let go of the 'treasures' I gathered if they don't fall in line with what my life is supposed to be.

Imagine this. At one point in my life I KNEW who I would spend the rest of my life with. As soon as I started listening to God I realized that I was wrong. I'm wrong but the love still nags.

Imagine this. I had very specific career goals. Now that I'm tapping into my God-given talents (since he's showed them to me) I realize that my 'callling' might be something TOTALLY different.

Imagine this. As I pray the actual desires of my heart change. I no longer pray for the same things because I simply pray that I will instead desire what God has in store. He's got the best presents!

So am I losing or am I really gaining? Sort of balancing the scales except there are much cooler gadgets on the new side of the scale. I'm losing things and people but I'm making some really cool friends and discovering that some I already had are much cooler than I ever imagined. I understand that love is more than what I envisioned. That what I felt/feel for that lost love doesn't compare to what will come....

It does sorta hurt inside nonetheless. No matter how wrong I was for bonding myself to the wrong things/people, the feelings I've developed are no less real.

But time heals all and God is never ever wrong.

1 comment:

Maryk6 said...

He's never wrong! He brings these people in our lives so we can self reflect. Maybe at the time they came in they served a purpose but eventually their time ran up and it was time for them to depart from your life. Sometimes threw those people you find new friends and some that you probably would've never met or maybe further down the line. These people make you think differently and they change some of the habits you had. Like for me I use to party a lot and at one point everyone I hung out with hard partied too. I mean I was drinking during the week, going out every weekend. What was that doing for my life? Nothing. One day I saw the light. I prayed and I knew I had to rid those people out my life. Yeah, there were some good moments in between those friendships but nothing good that I could take from them. I am content now. The Lord has brought great people in mu life, people that make me feel better about myself and drive me to achieve my goals. I am thankful for all those experiences. I have lost nothing but have gainned more than I can imagine.