Monday, May 12, 2008


You know what?! I am sooooo ANGRY right now. I don't get like this often. I am not at my rage level yet but I'm sitting quite nicely on ANGRY.

This morbidly obese heifer at my job was caught doing the unthinkable by my friend/coworker. While I was downstairs getting breakfast he saw her spraying my plants with BUG SPRAY!!!!!!! OH MY GOSH!!!! And I know it's true cause when I got back she said 'Nicole don't worry if you smell something funny cause I sprayed my desk with some bug spray.' Her desk NOT MINE OR MY PLANTS.

I am fighting the urge to beat her over the head with my phone receiver. IS SHE CRAZY?!?!?!

Everyone in here knows that my plants are like my children. I care for them with love and diligence. I recently brought in an Azalea. She flowered nicely but about two weeks ago she began to die without reason. She isn't absorbing her water completely and I decided to take her home today for intensive treatments. But I guess the mystery has been solved. Fat Robotnic has sabotaged me.

What should I do. I am thinking the most unChristian thoughts right now. She walked in the office a moment ago and I couldn't hold back my 'MMMM'!!. I wanna flip out in the worst way. But no. This requires thought. I will retreat to my lair tonight and ponder the ultimate revenge.

For now, when she asks me to edit her illiterate emails I will refuse. When she asks me some simple math question I will give her the incorrect answer. I will step on her toe 'accidentally' and possibly unplug her mouse and keyboard from her PC.



Jelli said...

i like the idea of unplugging her keyboard and mouse. she will never figure out what's wrong with her computer. i bet she'll call tech support and everything.

Maryk6 said...

I say you poison her plants!!! something that smells a bit funky so then you can tell her "oh don't worry if you smell something funny around your desk. It was me, I had the bubble guts!!!" Buahahahahaha