Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Yes we did!!!!

I have cried maybe 20X between last night and this morning. I'm at my desk and I cannot work, I cannot focus on anything but the fact that my boss is Barack Obama.

My grey matter cannot absorb what it means. It's simply too much to understand right now. This means so much to so many people for so many reasons.

I voted with Martin Luther King in my head. He's dead. He has no idea what has happened; that he was victorious. Barack's mom doesn't know that her baby boy is the President. His grandmother knew it was coming but she too has no idea what it felt like to see him stand behind that podium last night. What a reunion in heaven that will be! I wanna see his mom's face when she hears the news.

My heart has been focused on black men for so long. My soul bleeds for them. Slavery soooo ruined their focus and pride. Thank you Barack for being so excellent that our men can see themselves in you. I can look at my little cousins and tell them that 'you can be President one day if you want to!' You don't have to rap or play ball. You can read and learn and exude eloquence and consistent temperment. Your dreams are no longer limited and your destiny has no barriers.

Black men, please see your worth! Stop spreading your seed aimessly and build homes and repair families. Prove yourselves worthy of the regal blood that runs through your veins. You have always been more than your sexual prowess and physical strength. Now be more!

(please hold, cry break...........................................................................................)

I am alive today! I got to see this. I can sit in a rocking chair one day and tell my kids and grandkids that I saw this and felt this and played a part in it.

This is such a spiritual day....more than a political day. People prayed and fasted. People DIED! The movement that started it all was born of Pastors in southern churches. God is so great and being a believer means more than going to church and paying tithes. Barack's character reflects one of a higher moral standard and I strive to emulate such. I am so proud. God must be pleased.

I'm inlove with the future! 'Hold fast to dreams....." (means so much more now)

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